Become a jigsimur distributor

Hi ,
I hope you are doing well today and not consumed by the stress of our country nigeria,well without taking too much of your time
i would like to introduce you to a business opportunity that is suitable for everyone whether you are a worker, house wife, business man or woman and even a multi-level marketer
this is not a rich quick scheme because even the bible says we must labor for our bread so this will also require your time and effort,
many of you may have heard of various network marketing companies that make mouth watering promises but never keep them, some even fold up even before or after you have qualified for the incentives
i have had that experience so i know how it feels, that feeling of being used after a company gives you target to meet up or qualify for an incentive and maybe due to some little problems or inability few points you lose out of the incentive or after working hard for a month and didn’t remember or were unable to make your monthly personal pv for that month you lose your bonus/commission of course i know how it feels
but i am offering you an opportunity to invest and become a distributor of a company who has put into consideration the feelings of its members knowing the harsh state of the economy in our present day Nigeria and also knowing that it is not easy to spend your time, effort, money and airtime to recruits people only to have nothing to show for it at the end of the day.
With this company you don’t have to worry about
– Target in qualifying for trips/cars and other incentives
-loosing your bonus if you don’t remember to make your monthly pv
A company with a very easy marketing and compensation plan with very simple
Steps to follow inorder to benefit
it is my pleasure to introduce and invite you to become a member of the Jigsimur
Register and be a part of my team in the Jigsimur business today, I am looking to meet and work with only aggressive hardworking networkers and people from all works of life who are passionate
About succeeding so if you are that person would love to hear from you
just like me you may have your doubts due to past experiences or inexperience but I tell you it’s worth the short and I can assure you that you would be glad you joined and I can authoritatively tell you that if you join Jigsimur ,
we work hard as a team and follow all the guidelines and instructions if after 6months you don’t see a huge difference in your finances then I will gladly refund every money you spent to join that’s how confident I am and you can quote me anywhere,
please take note this is not a rich quick scheme it requires team efforts and if you’re not ready or 100% sure you want to excel then please don’t contact me because I believe in team work and hard work and I am looking to work with people from different states and neighborhoods
if want to be part of this vision then contact me
The definition of ‘Teamwork’ is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organisational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
Are working as part of the team?
Remember, as individuals we all have strengths and weaknesses, however when you put individuals together to work as a team you can acquire the skills and support required to achieve great things.
How to become a distributor?
Very easy
All you have to do is register with just 48,500naira and get 4 big bottles of Jigsimur and we are in business
Call me on: 09011933073 or 08188576603

Follow us on instagram

Bejolie also known as @da_pretty_herbalist is your number 1 health and wellness store for various quality brands of herbal vitamins/supplements, Organic Beverages( Teas & coffee)
we take pride in offering the best in organic nutritional supplements because we know how important it is for you and your family to stay healthy and fit by meeting up with your recommended dietary intake (RDI) which is the daily amount of nutrients your body needs to function and remain healthy
We stock a wide variety of only the highest quality vitamins/supplements for all genders & age groups

Table shaking morning

Who is standing on this table am about to shake right now………………… “I am single, no need to think or talk about fertility for now”

Aunty/Uncle! You say?
Aaahhh…should I tell you?

Your fertile health is of utmost importance. Please don’t joke with it. Don’t be lazy about it. Most importantly, don’t be shy to seek help.

You are not the first to be treated of that STI,STD, Candida, cyst, fibroids, PID etc. My dear, you won’t be last. Go all out and seek for help now that it’s still at the starting stage. No matter the stage it has gotten to presently, seek for professional help. Don’t be shy🤗 Don’t be lazy.
DON’T ever say “I am still Single” I will handle it later.
Later might be too late.

You are having pains down there
Aunty go for scan! “I am still single”🙄 I don’t need to

Follow @da_pretty_herbalist for health tip and supplements
Not now, maybe when I marry. 🙄

I no longer last like I use to😎. But ayam still a man joor. No need to waste money. Everything is fine, besides, ayam still single.🙄 Hmm
Single or Not.
You will only harvest what you sow. Start now, Start early.Your fertile health is very important, to avoid stories tomorrow.

Catch me on instagram @da_pretty_herbalist

Low sperm counts

What does low sperm means?

Low sperm count means that the fluid (semen) you release during a climax contains fewer sperm than its supposed to. The medical term for low sperm count is called oligospermia. Nonetheless, many men who have low sperm count are still able to father a child. Men find it hard to talk about this, and often times blame their wives for the inability to get pregnant, meanwhile, they are the source of the problem. So I strongly advise couples to get tested if infertility issues arise.
Causes of Low Sperm Count: These are some of the causes:
Too much sex.
Illegal drug use.
Alcohol Intake.
Cigarette smoking.
Emotional imbalance/stress
Weight: Obesity.
Exposure to radiation/x-rays.
Lack of exercise & Poor diet.
Varicocele( internal factors)
Heat: eg . Soaking in a bathtub full of hot water can almost halt sperm production completely.
Pain in the testicle.
Decreased facial & body hair.
Sexual Malfunctioning: inability to maintain an erection.
Inability to conceive even after regular, unprotected s*xual intercourse with your partner.
Treatments for low sperm count include:
Herbal supplements
Simple treatments like switching to a high protein, low-fat diet, and timing intercourse.
Ejaculating less may lead to stronger sperm.
Treating infections.
Hormone treatments and medications.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART treatments involve obtaining sperm through normal Release, surgical extraction or from donor individuals, depending on your specific case and wishes. The sperm is then inserted into the female private part tract, or used for in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Supposing treatment doesn’t work, don’t lose hope, adoption or using a sperm donor are available

Vagina yeast infection

*Vaginal Yeast Infection* also known as candidiasis, is a common condition.
A *healthy vagina* contains good bacteria called Lactobacillus that keeps the growth of bacteria in check and some yeast cells.
If there’s an imbalance in your system, these bacteria won’t work effectively.
This leads to an overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections.

Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection are :
• Vaginal itching
• Swelling around the vagina
• Burning during urination or sex
• Pain during sex
• Soreness
• Redness
• Rash
• Vaginal discharge i.e White cottage cheese or watery. .
Usually the length of time your yeast infection is left untreated has a direct impact on how severe your symptoms may become.
Treating a Vaginal Yeast Infection can relieve symptoms within a few days. In more severe cases, it may take up to two weeks.
Vaginal Yeast Infections aren’t considered a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Sexual contact can spread it, but women who aren’t sexually active can also get them. Once you get a yeast infection, you’re also more likely to get another one if not properly managed. .
If you recognize that you have this above mentioned symptoms or you’re having recurring Vaginal Yeast Infections or problems getting rid of a Yeast Infection with prescribed drug. .
Contact us To Purchase treatment kit for treating Vaginal Yeast infection

#enjoy the rest of your day

Food as medicine

I was talking to a group of people yesterday on the importance of eating good food, as food is medicine for the body. If you really want to achieve healthy living, it is necessary to be conscious of what goes into your mouth.. Did you know that blueberries can increase brain longevity? That kiwi fruit can be an excellent weapon for battling cancer and heart disease? That pears can help prevent fibroid tumors?

Before the introduction of modern medicine the ancient men relied solely on plants and Herbs to cure aliments, even our fathers did same too. I remember growing up in the 80s my grandfather hardly takes pill. Any time he is sick he will plug different leaves of plants, cook them, use their water to bath as well as drink them. He lived above 100 years. In three days you will see him up and running again.

This is also how we were treated of aliments like malaria fever then. My mum will cook different leaves of plants mix together Papaw , Mango, Dogoyaro ( Neem tree), and others We will use the substance to bath and the steam coming from the cooked leaves you will be made to inhale it. You will be covered with a blanket together with the pot of the boiled substances so that you can inhale the steam. This method was then very effective for malaria treatment.

These medicinal herbs are still with us today however our emphasis on orthodox Medical treatments have relegated our natural herbs and its values to the background. We need our scientist to really wake up.

It is very important that we learn more about the usefulness of plants and vegetables we call weeds in our backyard or by the side of our gate. You can treat illness with such plants. Plants you can grow as flowers in your compound are Rose, Marigold, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Hibiscus, Garden egg, Evening flower, Guava, Papaw, Water leaf, Okro, Pumpkin and other green Vegetables.

Some of the vegetables above are used both for food and medicine. A) Water leaf- This vegetable as we know is used for the preparation of Edikaikong (vegetable) soup, a Nigerian cuisine. If well prepared it acts as food and medicine.
Water leave is good for the treatment of indigestion, dry skin, bone problem, cardiovascular etc. B) Okro – this vegetable has a enough silicon and selenium which is food for the hair and skin. It is also medicinal food for impotent men.

C) Pumpkin this is a good provider of vitamin B, which gives strength while the seed is very rich in Vitamin E, which helps the reproductive and cardiovascular system.

D) Pawpaw the leaves is good for the treatment of malaria fever, indigestion while the seed can be used for the treatment of fever, ulcer and skin infection We will do a post on the medicinal values of our local plants in future. . We should take care to prepare our food in the Kitchen to enable the food retain its natural medicinal value. Wash your vegetable before you blend them. If you blend them before you wash which is what many people do, you have thrown away the medicinal value When you cook vegetables with high heat or fire, you have destroyed the medicinal value. It is time to go back to the basics to discover what made our grand, grand parents lived so long. It is time to go back to our herbs, our vegetables and fruits.

Good morning

Fertility detox kit

Price: 13,500(quality over quantity)

Are You are sick of over the counter medicine?
You want to try something that fits into your more natural holistic lifestyle.
You want to have a vagina that is super fleeky. You want to release your past partner’s energy from your womb. You just want to be a queen more in tune with herself. What ever the reason is, you have found the Goddess of all detoxes. Our
Guifebao princess pearl Vaginal Detox Pearls ®
What Is It?
Guifebao princess pearl is A holistic all natural vaginal insert made with herbal ingredients to aid in womb health and vaginal cleansing.
Why Does My Vagina Need To Be Detoxed?
Isn’t It Self Cleaning?
Yes the vagina is self cleaning and does this function well when in optimal health. However many women are not in their most optimal heath due to stress, taking care of the world and more, eating fast food or food filled with GMOs, carrying years of emotional and or sexual trauma and being on birth control. If in optimal health many women would not experience having yeast infections, fibroids, infertility, cysts, bacterial vaginosis and more. Our Guifebao princess pearl Vaginal Detox Pearls® are meant to give women an all natural herbal option instead of a chemical one.
What Does It Do?
The herbal ingredients are absorbed into your body vaginally. The herbs work to aid in overall womb health and cleansing by working with the body to expel contents that may be working against the overall health of the womb and vaginal area.

Fertility detox

Sometime All That Is Needed Might Just Be Fertility Cleanser. And this might just be your Month

How Do Blocked Fallopian Tubes Cause Infertility?
Each month, when ovulation occurs, an egg is released from one of the ovaries. The egg travels from the ovary, through the tubes, and into the uterus. The sperm also need to swim their way from the cervix, through the uterus, and through the fallopian tubes to get the egg. Fertilization usually takes place while the egg is traveling through the tube.
If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, the egg cannot reach the uterus, and the sperm cannot reach the egg, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.
Fallopian tube damage is a common cause of infertility and tubal ectopic pregnancy.
A fallopian tube blockage typically prevents successful passage of the egg to the sperm, or the fertilized egg to the uterus.
If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, the egg cannot reach the uterus, and the sperm cannot reach the egg, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.

Why Fertility Detox Program?
Fertility cleansing helps to cleanse the entire reproductive system and increase circulation to the reproductive organs. Starting your natural fallopian tube therapy should begin with
fertility cleansing. The natural Organic products are absorbed into the body and go to work where they are needed. Fertility Cleansing creates a “clean slate” within the body that helps the body to respond and utilize other natural remedies better.
Getting Pregnant With Nature’s Organic And Natural Fertility Cleanse Is The Most Viable Way In This Age.

Order for your fertility kit today

Package includes





Benefits of eating papaya seeds

Start Eating Papaya Seeds Right Now – They Are Magical Cure For Gut, Kidney, Liver, Cancer and Many Other Diseases.

When we eat Papaya we usually throw away the seeds. You will change this habit when you will read how healthy they are, preventing and curing diseases related to the gut, liver, kidney, worms etc.
The following list will show the benefits of consuming Papaya seeds.

Papaya seeds are rich with nutrients that can heal cirrhosis of the liver. Crush 5 or 6 Papaya seeds and consume them with food, juice, especially lime juice. Repeat this for 30 days. Eating small amounts of seeds will protect and detox the liver.

2. Kidney Health
Experts at the Karachi University have found that seeds from Papaya can improve kidney health and also prevent renal failure. Papaya seeds can do wonders for diseases related to kidney poisoning.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, papaya seeds are great for joint disease, alleviating arthritis, pain, swelling and redness.

4. Antibacterial and Antiviral properties
Papaya seeds, even in small amounts can kill bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli and Staph. Also, they fight infections and cure Typhoid, Dengue and other harmful diseases. People in Nigeria drink milk with Papaya seeds as cure for Typhoid fever.
In Costa Rica the seeds are used to fight Dengue fever.

Making papaya juice:
Take 2 papaya leaves. Wash them and cut into tiny pieces. Pound the pulp and squeeze through a filter cloth. You can squeeze around 2 tablespoons of juice.
Consume 2 tablespoons once a day.

5. Arresting Cancer
Papaya seeds have agents that can stop the growth of tumors and cancer cells. They contain isothiocyanate, which helps with breast, colon, leukemia, lung and prostate cancer.

6. Destroys Parasites
Papaya seeds have an alkaloid named “Carpaine” that kills amoeba parasites and intestinal worms. Papaya fruit easy metabolizes proteins and that way make the gastrointestinal tract great place for parasites. Children in Nigeria after consuming Papaya seed juice for 7 days get rid of 75 % of parasites in their gut.

7. Natural Contraceptive
Papaya seeds are natural contraceptives for women and men, without any side effects. People in the Indian subcontinent and also in parts of Southeast Asia, have used papaya seeds and papaya fruit for centuries, as a form of birth control.

8. Aids Digestion
Papaya seeds are rich in the enzyme papain, which protects digestion and it is a great solution for women who want to get pregnant.
For men, consuming 1 teaspoon of Papaya seeds daily, for 3 months can reduce sperm production not affecting the libido. This effect is temporary, if men stop consuming Papaya seeds the fertility returns to normal.

How to consume papaya seeds:
Papaya seeds can be consumed raw, crushed or ground in milk, honey or salad dressings.
Side effects and possible warnings for using seeds from Papaya :
Besides, many health benefits, papaya seeds can be dangerous for pregnant women, and women that are breastfeeding. Papaya seeds can be too strong for gastrointestinal tract of babies and young children.

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Research has shown that almost every woman has at least one small uterine fibroid in her womb, yet most never even know they are there. If fibroids are indeed so common why are they so feared?
Apparently they are misunderstood.
Firstly,let’s look at what uterine fibroids are:
Fibroidsare benign tumors(or smooth muscle masses) that grow inside the walls of the uterus. Fibroids are made up of the exact same type of muscle tissues that makes up of the uterus, except that fibroid muscle is hard, not soft. Keep in mind that while they are located in or on the uterus, fibriods are not actually part of the uterus but is its own separate grouping of tissue that grows independently of other uterine tissue.
The most common type of tumor found in the body, no one knows for sure why fibroids so commonly grow in the uterus. One theory is the fact that the uterus is an organ whose purpose is to grow a fetus, making it the perfect place for any mass of cells to reproduce. Fibroids can be so small they cannot even be felt during an internal exam or they can be so large that they seem to make the patients belly protrude.
The step by step strategies we want to share with you is a proven self-applied system that has been developed, polished and perfected over 11 years of intensive research through our own personal voyage as well as speaking with countless women with uterine fibroids, naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists and homeopaths. The strategies is aimed at eliminating the root factors that create the environment in which uterine fibroids can thrive without the costs and side effects of OTC and conventional drugs.
It uses a multi-dimensional combination of protocols in a specific order. It is not only 100% natural but is also safe and extremely effective.
The dietary changes, detoxing and parasite cleansing, and supplementation (the basic and specific uterine fibroid supplementation) are the building stones of the strategies, Stress control,
exercise and sleep optimization are also important protocols that should be conducted throughout the program.
The only way to permanently eradicate uterine fibroids is by neutralizing the environment that maintains the formation of uterine fibroids .
Implementing all of the essential steps in the program in the order they appear is all it takes to achieve permanent freedom from fibroids and their associated symptoms.
If you’re sick and tired of the conventional approach that only scratches the surface of your condition, if you’re frustrated with the costs and side effects of drugs and over-the-counter products, and if you feel it’s time to take control of your health and well-being click here Fibroids Natural Treatment.
The Uterine fibroid Control Diet (Six Principles).
The first and one of the most important measures you should take to achieve an Uterine fibroid-free environment (where all symptoms of fibroids abate and uterine fibroid formation stops and is prevented) is to change your diet. While some women are more genetically predisposed to develop Uterine fibroids and their related symptoms than others, what you eat influences your genes. Thus by changing your diet you can change the expression of your genes and thus gain tremendous improvement in whatever fibroids symptoms you have, and eliminate and prevent the recurrence of uterine fibroids.
Moreover, a diet high in refined carbohydrates, processed, acidic and toxic foods and low in fresh fruit and vegetables affects biochemical processes within the cells, contributes to hormonal
imbalance , worsens digestion, interferes with the natural toxic elimination process and makes the cells “insulin resistant”.
Contrary to that, a healthy balanced diet that consists of certain micronutrients (biotin, calcium, chromium, magnesium, and selenium), whole foods and alkaline-forming foods can help reduce insulin resistance, strengthen your immune system, enhance toxic elimination and help eliminate and prevent uterine fibroids.
A recent study from the Institute of Research Pharmacology in Italy which analyzed the diet over a ten-year span of 225 women with benign uterine fibroids and 450 women who did not suffer from uterine fibroids, showed that the type of food eaten had an enormous influence on the development of uterine fibroids among the women who participated in the study. Women who are more dairy and red meat, for example, had developed fibroids more than people who do not.
Contrary to that, the consumption of green vegetables seemed to have a protective and preventative effect.