
Research has shown that almost every woman has at least one small uterine fibroid in her womb, yet most never even know they are there. If fibroids are indeed so common why are they so feared?
Apparently they are misunderstood.
Firstly,let’s look at what uterine fibroids are:
Fibroidsare benign tumors(or smooth muscle masses) that grow inside the walls of the uterus. Fibroids are made up of the exact same type of muscle tissues that makes up of the uterus, except that fibroid muscle is hard, not soft. Keep in mind that while they are located in or on the uterus, fibriods are not actually part of the uterus but is its own separate grouping of tissue that grows independently of other uterine tissue.
The most common type of tumor found in the body, no one knows for sure why fibroids so commonly grow in the uterus. One theory is the fact that the uterus is an organ whose purpose is to grow a fetus, making it the perfect place for any mass of cells to reproduce. Fibroids can be so small they cannot even be felt during an internal exam or they can be so large that they seem to make the patients belly protrude.
The step by step strategies we want to share with you is a proven self-applied system that has been developed, polished and perfected over 11 years of intensive research through our own personal voyage as well as speaking with countless women with uterine fibroids, naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists and homeopaths. The strategies is aimed at eliminating the root factors that create the environment in which uterine fibroids can thrive without the costs and side effects of OTC and conventional drugs.
It uses a multi-dimensional combination of protocols in a specific order. It is not only 100% natural but is also safe and extremely effective.
The dietary changes, detoxing and parasite cleansing, and supplementation (the basic and specific uterine fibroid supplementation) are the building stones of the strategies, Stress control,
exercise and sleep optimization are also important protocols that should be conducted throughout the program.
The only way to permanently eradicate uterine fibroids is by neutralizing the environment that maintains the formation of uterine fibroids .
Implementing all of the essential steps in the program in the order they appear is all it takes to achieve permanent freedom from fibroids and their associated symptoms.
If you’re sick and tired of the conventional approach that only scratches the surface of your condition, if you’re frustrated with the costs and side effects of drugs and over-the-counter products, and if you feel it’s time to take control of your health and well-being click here Fibroids Natural Treatment.
The Uterine fibroid Control Diet (Six Principles).
The first and one of the most important measures you should take to achieve an Uterine fibroid-free environment (where all symptoms of fibroids abate and uterine fibroid formation stops and is prevented) is to change your diet. While some women are more genetically predisposed to develop Uterine fibroids and their related symptoms than others, what you eat influences your genes. Thus by changing your diet you can change the expression of your genes and thus gain tremendous improvement in whatever fibroids symptoms you have, and eliminate and prevent the recurrence of uterine fibroids.
Moreover, a diet high in refined carbohydrates, processed, acidic and toxic foods and low in fresh fruit and vegetables affects biochemical processes within the cells, contributes to hormonal
imbalance , worsens digestion, interferes with the natural toxic elimination process and makes the cells “insulin resistant”.
Contrary to that, a healthy balanced diet that consists of certain micronutrients (biotin, calcium, chromium, magnesium, and selenium), whole foods and alkaline-forming foods can help reduce insulin resistance, strengthen your immune system, enhance toxic elimination and help eliminate and prevent uterine fibroids.
A recent study from the Institute of Research Pharmacology in Italy which analyzed the diet over a ten-year span of 225 women with benign uterine fibroids and 450 women who did not suffer from uterine fibroids, showed that the type of food eaten had an enormous influence on the development of uterine fibroids among the women who participated in the study. Women who are more dairy and red meat, for example, had developed fibroids more than people who do not.
Contrary to that, the consumption of green vegetables seemed to have a protective and preventative effect.

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