Benign prostatic hyperplasia

This is usually called male sickness that affects the Prostate Gland. It is on the rise today in Nigeria. Research has shown that men above the age of 40years are prone to having this ailment.

What is a Prostate Gland?
This is chestnut-shaped male organ located next to the bladder and surrounding the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis). The prostate gland produces a secretion known as prostate fluid that makes up most of the liquid part of semen, which is discharged from the penis during sexual orgasm. Measuring about 3 cm across, the prostate gland is composed of both glandular tissue that produces prostate fluid and muscle tissue that helps in male ejaculation. Prostate fluid also helps to keep sperm, which is found in semen, healthy and lively, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization of the female egg.

There are a variety of prostate disorders that commonly afflict men of all ages. The most common prostate disease is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a noncancerous condition. We also have prostate cancer. We will look at BPH only in this post.
It occurs in approximately 70 to 80 percent of men from 40 years and above. In BPH, the prostate gland can increase in size from 20 g which is the average size of the prostate in younger men, to as large as 150 g. As the prostate grows, it constricts the urethra, possibly causing a partial obstruction of the bladder. Such obstruction may lead to bladder wall thickening and urination problems.

Symptoms such as:
Frequent urination
Nighttime urination
A feeling of urgency to urinate,
Blood presents in urine
Burning sensation while urinating
A sudden inability to urinate
Pelvic pain
Difficulty emptying the bladder and a weak urinary stream are the most common problems men encounter from prostate enlargement.

When you notice the above symptoms, the first thing to do is to see your doctor and get a prostate examination. Although the early symptoms of BPH and Prostate cancer are same, however, having BPH does not increase your risk for prostate cancer.
There are several treatment options for BPH, including medications that either shrink the prostate gland or relax the smooth muscle in the prostate gland to alleviate the obstruction of the bladder. Surgery is also available in some cases.

Alternative treatment- herbal products.
Effective treatment of BPH is also available with herbal drugs. Green life Herbal Network prostrate care package

for treatment of this illness.

How to avoid BPH
Maintaining a healthy life style- healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat balance plant based diet, a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grain and beans.


8 habits that make you age

Premature aging is a subject that concerns most of us, given that it affects not just our physical appearance, but also our overall health. This days is common seeing a 35 year old looking 50 . Medicine has advanced greatly over the past decades and has allowed us to slow down and, in some respects, even reverse the physical signs of aging through plastic surgery. However, we are still aging on the inside, and we cannot do anything to stop this process – all we can do is adjust our lifestyle in order to slow down the effects of aging. Here you will find 8 unhealthy habits that speed up the aging process without you even knowing it:
1. Worrying Too Much –Stress
Stress can truly wreak havoc on your mental, emotional and physical health, so you need to try hard not to let it interfere with your life. Are you the type of person that worries too much? Do you stress yourself over every single thing, even those that are seemingly irrelevant? Like not able to purchase Asoebi for a wedding of a friend or relations. If so, then the chances are that you are taking life’s ups and downs too seriously, and this will undoubtedly speed up the aging process. The reason why stress ages you is very simple: stress increases the secretion of norepinephrine and cortisol, two ‘negative’ hormones that affect your immune system and also increase blood pressure This can lead to cognitive decline, and it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Try some relaxation or – anything that makes you relax and blow off some steam. You will feel and look better!
2. Not Having a Regular Skin-Care Routine
Another bad habit that speeds up the aging process is the lack of a consistent, regular skin-care routine. The notion of skin care does not only mean the face and eye creams that we should use on a daily basis; it also involves staying hydrated and consuming at least eight 8-oz glasses of water per day. That, coupled with using a good eye cream and a face cream to keep the wrinkles at bay, will certainly slow down the aging process. A well-chosen moisturizer that matches your skin type can take years off your face, and the results are typically visible within just a few weeks. A good skin-care routine will stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, and it will also slow down the formation of deep wrinkles, the most obvious sign of aging.
3. Bad Eating Habits
There is a reason why our parents insisted on us eating our vegetables as children! If you know you have bad eating habits (and you don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits, which are packed with antioxidants), then it is highly recommended to do something about it while you still can. Antioxidants are vital for preventing oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Simply put, the free radicals target the superficial skin cells and damage them – this leads to wrinkles, and it also increases the risk for various types of cancer. The good news is that you can slow down the aging by simply increasing your daily fruit and vegetable intake.
4. Lack of Exercise
The dangers of living a sedentary lifestyle are no longer a secret to anyone, and there are literally thousands of reports and documentaries that point out the risks of living an exercise-free life. Not only does this cause obesity (which has side effects that are also very well known), but it increases the risk for cardiovascular and kidney disease. All you have to do to stay young, healthy and fresh is to enjoy at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on a daily basis. Besides delaying the aging process, studies have revealed that exercising regularly can also increase your lifespan by up to a decade!

5. Neglecting Your Sleep
When we were little, many of us refused to take a good nap when our parents urged us to. Now that we are adults, we often crave one, yet don’t have the time to sleep! However, it is extremely important to make sure that you get enough sleep at night. One of the most common misconceptions about the lack of sleep is that it will only create dark circles under your eyes. While it is true that not getting proper sleep does make you look very tired, the real dangers of sleep deprivation go far beyond the aesthetic. On average, a healthy adult should sleep around 6 – 8 hours per night in order to stay mentally alert the next day. If you do not get enough sleep, you will likely feel tired and sluggish the whole day, and you will also tend to eat more than you normally would.
6. Not Using Sunscreen
Another common mistake many of us tend to make is not protecting our self against dangerous UVB rays from the sun. While many women rely on makeup for sun protection (and most foundations do have low a sun-protection factor), it is extremely important to use sunscreen as well in order to prevent enlarged pores, brown spots and fine lines.
7. Smoking
Smoking is another highly unhealthy habit that will undoubtedly speed up the aging process. Long-term smoking can cause your teeth to become yellow, it will wreak havoc on your skin and cause many fine wrinkles, and of course it also increases the risk for cancer (especially mouth and lung cancer). Besides this, it is also well known that smoking increases the risk for heart disease.
8. Lack of Regular Sex
Enjoying sex with your partner is more than just getting the physical satisfaction we crave. As a matter of fact, sex is an amazing natural antidepressant that can elevate your mood instantly, not to mention that numerous studies have also revealed that those who have a normal and balanced sex life also tend to be healthier. Simply put, sex triggers the release of endorphins and other essential chemicals in your body that will improve the function of your immune system, lower stress and also reduce the risk for certain types of cancer

Health benefits of bitter leaf


This is a very popular plant in Nigeria and in South America. It grows everywhere in the tropics and it is a homely plant. Its Botanical name is VERNONIA AMYGDALINA. The Igbo calls it ONUGBO, the Yoruba calls it EWURO and the Hausa calls it SHIWAKA……it has others names in other dialects in Nigeria. Bitter leaf is used mostly is as a vegetable in Igbo land for the delicious ONUGBO Soup, while the Yoruba’s use it more as a medicine. The fact is that bitter herbs are good for the body. Bitter herbs help to tone the vital organs of the body, especially the kidney and the liver. Bitter leaves should always be taken fresh. Nigerians eat a lot of bitter leaf, but they often squeeze out the bitter extract from the leaves before eating it. What is left then is mere chaff, with little or no medicinal value. That bitter extract or juice is the main medicinal element of the leaf. Here are some of the health benefits of juicing your bitter leaf:

• Improves digestion

• Internal cleansing

• Helps with diabetes – it reduces sugar level drastically

• A great remedy for stomach ache

• Stimulates the gut wall’s self-repair mechanism

• Increases energy levels

• Fights fatigue and exhaustion

• Calms the nerves and strengthens muscles

• Nourishes the skin • Soothes Arthritis

• Combats Insomnia

• Helps sooth pile

• Relieves fever and feverish conditions. Bitter leaf is readily found everywhere. This is obviously one of the very simple, inexpensive natural herbs you can use to ensure your optimum health and well-being! Top five Health Benefit of Bitter Life

1. It lowers the risk of breast cancer- , According to research publications in Feb, 2004 edition of Experimental Biology and medicine biter leaf consumption lowers the risk of breast cancer. 2. Lowers cholesterol- Experiment conducted during a study with animals shows that bitter leaf extract decreased bad cholesterol by nearly half and increased good cholesterol. No studies yet on how it will effect human body cholesterol.

3. Lymphatic cleans – It helps the body protect against health dangers of cigarette smoke and other harmful smokes like Okada, cars and industrial smokes .

4. It contains essential fatty acids that the body does not produce – linocenic and linoleic acid. A study published in the American Journal of clinical Nutrition states that large consumption of the two acids, brings people at the lowest risk of developing cardiovascular diseases when compared to those who did not.

5. High Antioxidants – It has antioxidant properties that help fight diseases.


PILES, are very common in Nigeria as studies have shown that 1 of every 10 Nigerians suffer pile . According to Medical news today, Piles are hemorrhoids that become inflamed. Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue in the anal canal – they are full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibers. Hemorrhoid, small swelling, occurring in or around the rectum or at the anus, caused by enlargement of the superficial vein. Although hemorrhoids are thought of as unpleasant inflammations, we all have them. It is when the hemorrhoidal cushions become too big (inflamed) that problems occur – when this happens they are called piles or pathological hemorrhoids.

Types of pile?
Piles can be of various sizes and may be internal (inside the anus) or external ones (outside the anus).
Typically, internal piles occur from 2 to 4cm above the opening of the anus.
External piles (perianal hematoma) occur on the outside edge of the anus. The internal ones are much more common.
What are the signs and symptoms of piles?
In most cases piles are not serious and go away on their own after a few days. An individual with piles may experience the following symptoms
• A hard lump may be felt around the anus. It consists of coagulated blood, called a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. This can be painful
• After going to the toilet, a feeling that the bowels are still full
• Bright red blood after a bowel movement
• Itchiness around the anus
• Mucus discharge when emptying the bowels
• Pain while defecating
• The area around the anus may be red and sore.
Internal hemorrhoids are classified into four grades;
• Grade 1 – there are small inflammations, usually inside the lining of the anus. They are not visible
• Grade 2 – larger than grade 1 hemorrhoids, but also inside the anus. When passing a stool, they may get pushed out, but return unaided
• Grade 3 – often called ‘prolapsed hemorrhoids’; these appear outside the anus. The patient may feel them hanging out. They can be pushed back in if the patient presses with their finger
• Grade 4 – these cannot be pushed back in and need to be treated by a doctor. They are large and stay outside the anus all the time.
External hemorrhoids are called perianal hematoma.
These are small lumps that are located on the outside edge of the anus. They are very itchy and can be painful if a blood clot forms inside (thrombosed external hemorrhoid). Thrombosed external hemorrhoid requires medical treatment straight away
Why do piles occur?
The blood vessels around the anus and in the rectum will stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge. Inflamed veins (hemorrhoids) can develop when pressure increases in the lower rectum. This may be due to:
• Chronic constipation
• Chronic diarrhea
• Lifting heavy weights
• Pregnancy
• Straining when passing a stool.
The tendency to develop hemorrhoids may also be inherited. The risk of developing piles grows with age.

Diagnosing piles
A doctor can usually diagnose piles after carrying out a physical examination, examining the patient’s anus.
The doctor may ask the following questions:
• Do any close relatives (parents, siblings) have piles?
• Has there been any blood on the stools?
• Has there been any mucus on the stools?
• Has there been any recent weight loss?
• Have bowel movements changed recently?
• What color are the stools?
For internal hemorrhoids, the doctor may perform a digital rectal examination (DRE) or use a proctoscope – a hollow tube fitted with a light. The proctoscope allows the doctor to see the anal canal and take a small tissue sample from inside the rectum, which can be sent to the lab for analysis.
If the physician is presented with signs and symptoms which may suggest another digestive system disease, risk factors for colorectal cancer, and some other factors, he/she may recommend ordering an examination of the colon using colonoscopy.
Complications associated to piles
Anemia – hemorrhoids can sometimes cause long-term blood loss, which may lead to anemia.
Stangulated hemorrhoid – the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off, causing severe pain, and even gangrene (death of tissue).
What are the treatment options for piles?
In the majority of cases, piles resolve on their own without the need for any treatment; effectively treated with over-the-counter medications, a good fluid intake, and by following a diet high in fiber. In severe cases, the piles may have to be surgically removed. About 10% of patients who go and see their doctor about piles eventually require surgical intervention.
In the majority of cases,. Treatments can help significantly reduce the discomfort and itching that many patients experience. It can be by orthodox and Alternative medicine treatment.
A good doctor will initially recommend some lifestyle changes.
Diet – piles can be caused by too much straining when doing bowel movements, which is the result of constipation. A change in diet can help keep the stools regular and soft. This involves eating more fiber, such as fruit and vegetables, or switching your cereal breakfast to bran.
Water is the best drink, and the patient may be advised to increase his/her water consumption. Some experts say too much caffeine is not good.
Body weight – if the patient is obese, losing weight may help reduce the incidence and severity of hemorrhoids.
Simple things you can do yourself to help prevent piles:
• Try not to strain when you go to the toilet
• Avoid laxatives
• Exercise.
Ointments, creams, pads and other OTC medications – there are some over-the-counter (OTC) medications which help soothe the redness and swelling around the anus area. Some of them contain witch hazel, hydrocortisone, or some other active ingredient which can relieve symptoms of itching and pain. It is important to remember that they do not cure piles, they only treat the symptoms. Do not use them for more than seven consecutive days – longer periods may irritate the anus area and cause skin thinning. Unless advised to by your doctor, do not use two or more medications simultaneously.

Alternative Medical treatment combinations from either
Greenlife Herbal Network has highly effective products to cure piles, namely,

Heam pill, Double Ginseng , Kordy and Alovera.

contact us today


Types of fibroid
there are various types of fibroids •Intramural-grows on d walls of womb
•Subserosal -grows outside d womb wall
•Submucosal -grows on d inside womb
•Pedunculated fibroid-grows on stalks.

Effects of Fibroid •miscarriage

Oestrogen dominance is d cause of fibroid, breast cancer etc.
Taking contraceptives flood the body with o estrogen..including junk foods, poultry, aerosol,cosmetics etc.

Medical surgery of removing fibroid is very expensive, life-threatening. And sometimes, they’re not able to accommodate fetus…INFERTILITY!

Here’s a very healthy, cost-effective & natural organic way to evacuate fibroid without any harm to your body anatomy. Imagine you giving birth to
lumps! That’s what happen.

COMBINATION THERAPY involves product of biotechnology & scientific distillation according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. This regulate
the “yin & yang to balance, dredge governor vessel,replenish yin & blood to clear heat, eliminate waste& toxins in d body etc.. This helps for:
•clearing & detoxification
•removes necrosis & promote granulation, repair
damaged birth canal, regain elasticity etc
•restores vigor, sexual desire, postpone menopause,relieve vaginal dryness
•beautify & nourishing, anti-aging, bring out infinite charm of a woman
•ovarian & reproductive issues
•infections/unpleasant odor
•boost fertility
•all gynecological issues

After fixing these issues, all you need every month afterwards is maintenance to keep you healthy and protected from future regrowth. You probably would feel like a near-virgin again..smooth and a woman!

So depending on the size, number and location of the fibroid so ensure you run test to answer all these questions.

Have u seen live fibroid “birthed” before?

I want to know which is your challenge and please specify and be true to self.

Ensure you forward this to friends, sisters,colleague…

Someone health is in danger & sad!
(Don’t ignore this post please!) Call/Whatsapp us today

Symptoms of fibroids

Symptoms of Fibroids
The symptoms depend on the size, number, location and pathological findings.
Important symptoms are…

*Abnormal bleeding And Abdominal discomfort

*Heavy or painful periods

*Excessive length of menstruation

*Lower back pain

*A sensation of fullness or pressure in the abdominal area

*Interference with other organs and
nerves due to their large sizes pressing on them

*Urinary frequency or retention, back
ache, and in some cases infertility


*Pain may be experienced during sexual intercourse depending on the location of the fibroids.

Fibroids may also be the cause of the following during pregnancy –


*Painful intercourse

*premature labour

*interference with position of fetus

Furthermore, it causes broken marriage, loss of job, tiredness, leanness due to shortage of
blood and sadness.

Let’s begin the process today!
Call/Whatsapp: 08188576603

Your cellphone maybe killing your sperm

Your cell phone is killing your fertility!

Do you carry a cell phone in your trousers or jeans pockets? If you do, your cell phone could be killing your fertility. You could be inadvertently harming your fertility and sperm health and reducing your chances of fathering children. Results of long-term studies show that consistent exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones can harm male fertility according to Vanguard newspapers.

A man’s sperms carry half the genetic material necessary to make a complete human being. A woman’s egg holds the other half. But every time a man puts a cell phone in his trousers or jeans pockets, the device could be messing with his sperm health. The average cell phone emits radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation, RF-EMR, not only when the device is active when making or receiving a phone call, but constantly even when the phone is idle.
The typical male wants to preserve his manliness and perpetuate his masculinity, particularly with regards to fertility and vitality.
While small doses of the radiation are not dangerous, over a prolonged period of time, the radiation can have deleterious effects. A small but consistent drop in sperm quality of men exposed to mobile phone radiation. While researchers find no link between mobile phone radiation and an actual drop in fertility rates, it could contribute to understanding the global and still unexplained drop in sperm count.
Sperm quality
Sperm quality is very variable naturally and is usually assessed using sperm motility – a measure of the percentage of sperm that are swimming normally; sperm viability – the percentage of sperm that are alive in a given sample; and sperm concentration, meaning the density of sperm in fluid.
Male infertility
Male infertility can be caused by factors such as hormone disorders, illness, injury to reproductive anatomy, obstruction or sexual dysfunction. These factors can temporarily or permanently affect sperm and prevent conception. Some disorders become more difficult to treat the longer they persist without infertility treatment.
Normal values
Optimal levels for healthy sperm vary, but the norm is that 15 million sperm per milliliter is considered typical for fertile couples. A fertile man must have at least 58 percent vitality, 40 percent motility and at least four percent were normal-shaped sperm cells.
Low blow
But just because a man has a low sperm count doesn’t necessarily mean he and his partner can’t conceive naturally. It only takes one sperm cell to fertilise the egg cell. And while a decrease in sperm quality can be linked to mobile phone exposure, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the men are any less fertile. Given the increasing use of wireless devices, and general declines in sperm quality seen over the last 10-20 years across the world, it is certainly an area that in urgent need of research.
Don’t throw away your cell phone
Certainly there is anxiety about fertility, but as a man who is concerned, you don’t have to ditch your cell phone. Just be smart how you use it. Don’t put your cell phone in your front pants pocket. Altering where you keep your mobile phone is a fairly easy lifestyle change to make, and certainly will do no harm.


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Orders outside ikeja and Lagos State is strictly payments delivery

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Thanks for your understanding and Cooperation

Da pretty herbalist

Sperm leakage

SPERM LEAKAGE Can A Woman Still Conceive If Sperm Leaks Out After Having Sex?

Sperm leakage or dripping is a big concern to couples having problem conceiving. It is common to worry when you notice that your partner’s sperm leaks out of you after having intercourse. If all the sperm is leaking out, won’t that negatively affect your chances of conceiving? The good news is that that semen leakage does not dampen your chances of getting pregnant at all. In fact, Planned Parenthood explains that once the sperm has entered your body, there is virtually nothing that you can do to get the sperm out again. They are in there . Semen and Sperm – some difference When your partner ejaculates in you, the semen is a combination of sperm (only about 2-5% of the total volume) and other liquids from your partner’s reproductive system which help energize and keep the sperm safe from sometimes the harsh vaginal ecosystem . The leakage of the semen after sex is not abnormal and happens with every lady. Can Women become Pregnant even after leakage ? You can still certainly become pregnant, even if it feels like ‘everything’ is coming out afterwards. The strongest and fastest sperm will have stayed behind and be well on their way to fertilize your egg by the time you stand up or go to the bathroom after having sex. While it is worrisome, you only need one very strong and quick sperm to fertilize your egg. For a man with normal sperm count, each ejaculation has at least 20 million sperm in it! This means that even if most of the sperm does leak out of you, there will still be a large number of sperm still swimming around inside you However the following can be detrimental to couples trying to conceive .

1, Infection

2, sperm quality

3, Stress

If you have an untreated bacterial or fungal stds It can cause inflammation in the pelvic and tracts leading to the uterus and distort the flow of sperm to the area and cause conception problem . Yeast infection creates a very acidic environment for the sperm to thrive and therefore destroys the sperm and make it difficult for fertilization to take place. Quality of the male sperm is very important in conception too.the motility of the sperm cells are of utmost importance. When the sperm analysis shows that the sperm has more immobile sperm cells, then there is a problem. The less active motile sperm cells a man has, the more difficult it is for the sperm to make it through the cervix after ejaculation. A sluggish and tired sperm will not be able to swim through the cervices to the Fallopian tube to fertilize the egg The better the quality of the sperm the better their chances of making it through after sex and also for conception to take place . Many men blame on their wives and refuse to run sperm analysis. It is a wise thing to do the needful if need be and stop blaming your wife. Go run a test and know the status of your sperm. Eat vegetables, cucumber, fruits such as avocados, banana , watermelon, nuts such as tiger nuts and walnuts to improve the quality of your sperm. Stress is also an enemy to getting pregnant . Though for a woman looking for a baby is not avoidable , however it should be manged properly so as to reduce its negative effect. finally, sperm linkage is not unusual after sex but if you worry to much about this you can take some of the following steps,

1,After intercourse, place a couple of pillows under your hips to elevate them. This technique utilizes gravity to help those little swimmers swim faster to reach the cervix and move into the uterus and fallopian tube If the egg is ready and waiting, then fertilization is definitely a possibility

2. Play with your partner for a few minutes after sex.

According to WebMD, lying in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse can help provide ample time for the sperm to reach the cervix.

Just remember, only one good sperm is needed, so it is perfectly OK if some leak out after having sex but ensure you dont have untreated infection hanging around.

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God bless and live healthy.#Da Pretty herbalist